Your Home May Be Toxic

Lead, asbestos, mold. Most homes have at least some of these toxic substances.

Yes, your home could be harboring some nasty compounds. Here are the top 5 to watch for.

Asbestos. If you are living in an older home, then there’s a good chance that there’s asbestos in some of the building material. Back in the day, they used it sparingly around furnaces/ducts, in floor tile, exterior siding and more. If you suspect there is asbestos in your home, contact a contractor that specializes in its removal. At a very minimum, don’t disturb the suspect material.

Lead. As with asbestos, lead was another favorite of generations gone by. You’re most likely to find lead in paint (added mainly to outdoor paint to increase durability). If you live in an older house, chances are there is lead paint under the new paint. If the windows are old, there’s a good chance the frames and sliding parts have been painted with lead paint. These hard to reach areas have likely not been painted over. In time, it will start to flake – especially as the windows are opened and closed.

Mold. Again, you are more likely to see this in older homes. Old basements that have been leaking water, attics that have experienced leaks, bathroom areas where there has been water damage (under flooring, behind drywall, etc.). If you suspect there is mold in your home, contact a specialist for an assessment. Mold can be deadly.

Radon. Radon gas is produced naturally when uranium breaks down in the soil. It enters the home through cracks in the foundation, drains, etc. It is the number two cause of lung cancer, yet few people test for it. Finding out if you have radon gas entering your home is easy. Pick up a test kit like this and you’re all set. Or better yet, a detector like this.

VOC’s. Volatile Organic Compounds are produced from a variety of materials around your home. Your carpet, furniture, clothing, to name a few. In fact, let’s just say that anything you buy new will likely off-gas VOC’s for a while. Add a little home improvement such as painting, some aerosol spray cans, and cleaning products and your indoor pollution level could be through the roof. The major components of VOC’s are:

– Formaldehyde
– Benzene
– Acetone
– Butanal
– Dichloromethane

While it may be impossible to eliminate everything that contributes to the VOC’s in your home, you can help improve the situation by using a good Ultra HEPA filter air purifier.