
  • My Time Shifting Diet

    I have to lose a few pounds for a wedding in August. I guess it’s time to implement my old standby diet or buy a new suit. It’s nothing slick and sophisticated, but if you have 10 pounds to lose, it gets the job done. Just so you know, I am not a dietician, medical… Continue reading

  • Are people watching/judging you?

    Social Anxiety is a mental health condition that can be likened to extreme shyness. It’s an unnatural fear of social situations and can severely affect one’s ability to live a normal life. Sufferers usually develop this condition in early childhood and if left untreated, can negatively affect you for the rest of your life in… Continue reading

  • Walking 5 km a day

    I’m starting a new exercise regime. I call it the 5-5. Lol! Sounds funny, yes. An old friend of mine already had a good laugh over it – but I’ve been doing it now for over a month and I honestly feel so much better. I’ve lost a little weight, I feel tighter, lighter and… Continue reading

  • Feeling My Age (Sometimes)

    Age becomes the great equalizer later in life. If you’re like me, you’re not feeling your age right now – at least not mentally. I mean, where did the years go? It just doesn’t make sense. In my mind, I’m decades younger – that is, until I happen to catch a reflection of myself in… Continue reading

  • Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

    The first 10 pounds is easy, after that, not so much. This is why. I have to admit, losing weight for me has never been a piece of cake (pun intended). But then again, is it easy for anyone? I look at it this way: How long did it take to gain that weight? Enough… Continue reading

  • What Happens When You Drink Alcohol?

    Here’s what happens in your body when you consume alcohol. No matter what you’re drinking (beer, wine, liquor), your body treats all alcohol the same. Here’s what happens after the first mouthful. 1. A small amount is immediately absorbed through your mouth and into your bloodstream. 2. Your stomach will absorb roughly 20% of the… Continue reading