Does Russia Have a Point?

My heart breaks for the people of Ukraine. As a Canadian, it’s hard to imagine how I would feel if there were an army invading Toronto or Ottawa this minute, blowing our most iconic landmarks to bits as they pressed on to remove the government. It’s beyond comprehension. 

Yet, the images coming across our screens on a daily basis prove that the people of Ukraine are enduring this nightmare as we speak. This is about as real as it gets. 

For some reason, I always assumed that our civilization was beyond that. Surely we are a violent species, as proven over and over in countless historical wars, but I really had hoped this was a thing of the past. 

As a thought experiment, I honestly tried to put myself in Putin’s position so that I could see his point of view. In a way, I get that Russia is feeling threatened by NATO. Most of the former Soviet block countries are now members of this alliance – many bordering Russia itself. 

Imagine Central American countries becoming part of a Russian or Chinese alliance? Further, imagine that Mexico suddenly wanted membership in this alliance. Would that not be similar to the Ukraine/Russia situation?

It would simply be intolerable and action would certainly be taken.

One could argue that America and its allies simply want freedom for these countries, but who are we to assume that our system is more righteous and free? Who are we to assume that people will be happier if they are absorbed into our way of life? 

Just because these other countries border on dictatorship and communism doesn’t mean the people aren’t happy, proud and prosperous. 

But that’s right at the limit of my thinking. That’s all the benefit of the doubt I can muster. I always try to change my perspective to see the other guy’s position, no matter how outrageous it seems on the surface. Having done that, I can see how some would be sympathetic to the Russians. 

Now, that is not what I feel personally. 

Personally, I look at these images of smashed cities and wonder how a neighbouring country can be so cold and callous. What gives one country the right to invade and obliterate another sovereign nation? 

Honestly, I can’t believe this is even real. 

Surely there must be an alternative to rolling over a civilian population with heavy weaponry. Who honestly deserves this? Life is hard enough as it is for most of us.